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Outline of this episode:
* A glimpse of ridgetop wind power generation in New Hampshire
* News and Updates
* Bradley Manning: Criminal or Hero?
* Has the U.S. gone astray? A review of this country's founding principles reveals that, tragically, we're still exactly on the course our Founding Fathers set us on.
Links (and a phone number) for this episode:
Anti-Foreclosure Movement Update
Keystone XL Tar Sands Blockade
August 30th action (including great news video)
Sept. 5th action
Myths and Facts about Keystone XL: Correcting lies told at the RNC
Trans Canada wins right of eminent domain
Stop Fracking in NY State
Call Governor Cuomo at 866-584-6799 to oppose fracking in New York State.
Myths and Facts about Keystone XL: Correcting lies told at the RNC
Trans Canada wins right of eminent domain
Stop Fracking in NY State
Call Governor Cuomo at 866-584-6799 to oppose fracking in New York State.
Fighting Extraction in Australia
Activists close down rail project Sept. 4th
Fullerton residents blockade Dart Energy late August
Activists close down rail project Sept. 4th
Fullerton residents blockade Dart Energy late August
His story
Statement by soldier visible in "Collateral Murder" video
Sept. 6th actions nationally
Occupy Monsanto
Sept. 17th actions
Occupy Wall Street
Sept. 17 anniversary protest
Alaska Mining Action Camp, Sept. 14-16
Occupy Wall Street
Sept. 17 anniversary protest
Alaska Mining Action Camp, Sept. 14-16